Showing posts with label Lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lifestyle. Show all posts

U.S. evolves on same-sex marriage

STORY HIGHLIGHTSThe president and the nation have shifted perspectives on same-sex marriageSupreme Court ruling on California's same-sex marriage ban a critical testGrowing public support for gay marriage give proponents hope for changeWashington (CNN) -- The nation's growing acceptance of same-sex marriage has happened in slow and painstaking moves, eventually building into a momentum that is sweeping...
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U.S. evolves on same-sex marriage

STORY HIGHLIGHTSThe president and the nation have shifted perspectives on same-sex marriageSupreme Court ruling on California's same-sex marriage ban a critical testGrowing public support for gay marriage give proponents hope for changeWashington (CNN) -- The nation's growing acceptance of same-sex marriage has happened in slow and painstaking moves, eventually building into a momentum that is sweeping...
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Identity politics after Lee's Oscar win

STORY HIGHLIGHTSAng Lee's name beamed on building in Taiwan after Oscar winLee, born in Taiwan, won award for best director for "Life of Pi"Lee's win created excitement in Taiwan and China, both claimed him as their ownRyan: "In some ways it feels like 'Linsanity' all over again"Editor's note: Andrew Ryan is a host and producer at Radio Taiwan International, a government-owned station that broadcasts...
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Taiwan ebullient over Ang Lee's Oscar

STORY HIGHLIGHTSAng Lee's name beamed on building in Taiwan after Oscar winLee, born in Taiwan, won award for best director for "Life of Pi"Lee's win created excitement in Taiwan and China, both claimed him as their ownRyan: "In some ways it feels like 'Linsanity' all over again"Editor's note: Andrew Ryan is a host and producer at Radio Taiwan International, a government-owned station that broadcasts...
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Yahoo CEO right to cut remote work?

STORY HIGHLIGHTSRaymond Fisman: Marissa Mayer needs to revive Yahoo, and face time at the office is keyFisman: Granted, this goes against Utopian vision of everyone working from cafes Fisman: In-person work means innovations, avoids misunderstood directivesHe says more jobs will get done and it'll encourage those who work in a half-empty officeEditor's note: Raymond Fisman is the Lambert Family professor...
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Vatican 'Gay lobby'? Probably not

STORY HIGHLIGHTSBenedict XVI not stepping down under pressure from 'gay lobby,' Allen saysAllen: Benedict is a man who prefers the life of the mind to the nuts and bolts of government However, he says, much of the pope's time has been spent putting out firesEditor's note: John L. Allen Jr. is CNN's senior Vatican analyst and senior correspondent for the National Catholic Reporter.(CNN) -- Suffice...
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Vatican 'Gay lobby'? Probably not

STORY HIGHLIGHTSBenedict XVI not stepping down under pressure from 'gay lobby,' Allen saysAllen: Benedict is a man who prefers the life of the mind to the nuts and bolts of government However, he says, much of the pope's time has been spent putting out firesEditor's note: John L. Allen Jr. is CNN's senior Vatican analyst and senior correspondent for the National Catholic Reporter.(CNN) -- Suffice...
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Analysis: Italian election explained

Austerity-hit Italy chooses new leaderAusterity-hit Italy chooses new leaderAusterity-hit Italy chooses new leaderAusterity-hit Italy chooses new leaderSTORY HIGHLIGHTSSilvio Berlusconi is campaigning to win his old job back for the fourth timeThe eurozone's third largest economy is hurting, with unemployment surpassing 11%Pier Luigi Bersani of the center-left Democratic Party is expected to narrowly...
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Obama a marker on post-racial path

Donna Brazile says Black History Month is a time to note crossroads the nation has faced. STORY HIGHLIGHTSDonna Brazile: Black History Month themed crossroads, "tied to two pivotal U.S. eventsEmancipation Proclamation, March on Washington were crossroads, she saysShe says crossroad decisions are threaded along U.S. road to post-racial societyBrazile: We're not there yet, but re-election of Obama a...
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How secure is the papal election?

The Conclave of Cardinals that will elect a new pope will meet in the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City. STORY HIGHLIGHTSBruce Schneier: Rules for picking a new pope are very detailedHe says elaborate precautions are taken to prevent election fraudEvery step of the election process is observed by people who know each otherSchneier: Vatican's procedures, centuries in the making, are very secureEditor's...
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Obama can't kick his legacy down road

By Gloria Borger, CNN Chief Political AnalystFebruary 19, 2013 -- Updated 2122 GMT (0522 HKT)President Obama has a small window of opportunity to get Congress to act on his priorities, Gloria Borger says.STORY HIGHLIGHTSGloria Borger: Prospect of deep budget cuts was designed to compel compromiseShe says the "unthinkable" cuts now have many supportersThe likelihood that cuts may happen shows new level...
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